Liminal Spaces

In this series: “Liminal Spaces” I’m taking places I find and using them to represent an emotion. These places, like the emotions I pair them with are places where time seems to stop. I lose myself in them. They are at once overwhelming and underwhelming, common and uncommon, beautiful and haunting. These paintings are deliberately left with the feeling of being unfinished with the belief that things do not need to be perfect for us to find a meaning in them.
18x24x1.5 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
19.5 x 27 inches (painting)
22 x 30 inches (with border)
Oil on Watercolor Paper
18 x 24 Inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Portrait paintings

Fantasy Figure Study 5x5 inches ' Acrylic on Wood Panel 2023

Figure Study with Hot Pink Lighting 5x5 inches Acrylic on wood Panel with rounded corners 2023

Rose 5x5 inches Acrylic on wood panel with rounded corners 2023

Flower Crown 5x5 inches Acrylic on wood panel with rounded corners 2023

Jean 5x7 inches Oil on stretched Canvas 2022

Gaze 4x4 inches Oil on stretched Canvas 2022

Figure Knitting on a Sunny Day 4x4 inches Acrylic on stretched canvas 2022

I Exist 6x6 inches Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 2023

Study After Sargent’s “Carmela Bertagna” 5x5 inches Oil on wood panel with rounded corners 2022
Painting people started like most things do for me, as a way of trying to understand. Growing up, I never fit in. I got called everything from “old soul” to “gifted” to “odd”. It felt like everyone had this set of rules that they understood but never spoke about, and that they all knew something about me that I didn’t. It wasn’t until I was 26 that I started to uncover the reason I never quite fit in. I’m Autistic. When I learned this, I was well into building a career as a painter and it was as if the WHY of painting suddenly made sense. There was a reason I spent all those hours staring at faces wondering how a topic could light someone’s eyes, or how a raised corner of a mouth could travel across a room to deliver a message. When I paint a face, I’m always trying to capture what makes my subject unique. I’m looking for who they are in the brush strokes. That’s what interests me.
If you’d like to get a custom piece done by me, please send me an email at or fill out the contact form on this website.
Fiber Art

Fiber arts started for me as a way to move my hands. I had come to think of myself as extremely anxious in my early twenties. I struggled to get out of bed by my mid twenties and soon found myself watching TV for weeks on end. To try and ease some of the anxiety that held me in place, I learned to knit. When I got cancer and holding two needles put me to sleep with exhaustion, I learned to crochet. Fiber arts has helped me in more ways than one, but the primary reason is that working with my hands is a stim. Stimming is something that everyone does to help their bodies release energy. You may shake your leg when you’re anxious or dance when you’re happy. Autistic people tend to need to stim more than non autistics (or allistics). Because Fiber Arts have helped me so much with my autism, I like to make items that honor or aid autism. In that interest I make items that fall into my autistic special interests or items that fellow autistic people can use as a stim. I love making stuffed animals with moving parts to play with and different textures or sizes to carry around. I also really enjoy making whimsical items that bring a child-like sense of joy to a room.